
Information in English


The Centre for an age-friendly Norway

The Centre for an age-friendly Norway is a national competence centre that seeks to enable development of sustainable and age-friendly communities. Our goal is for seniors to be able to live good, meaningful and independent lives for as long as possible. Older people’s capabilities should be used for optimal benefit to themselves and their community.

The Centre’s work is founded on collaboration with various community actors through a network of cities and communities and partnerships with businesses, organisations and researchers.

The Centre is based in the city of Ålesund and is organised as a section within the Norwegian Directorate of Health, and are also an affiliate in WHOs Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities.

If you want to get in touch with us, send an e-mail to aldersvennlignorge@helsedir.no


Below you will find a selection of guides, documents, leaflets, reports and other materials that can be applieed in the work with age-friendly development. 

Handbook for Age-Friendly Communities

Together with municipalities and collaborating partners, The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) has prepared a handbook for age-friendly local communities highlighting the age-friendly domains with a practical approach, methods, good examples and checklists.

Download the handbook (pdf)

Active and Social At All Ages - Universally designed and age-friendly outdoor areas and meeting places

The Centre for an age-friendly Norway has together with KS, produced the booklet "Active and social at all ages". This is a showcase of different examples of projects and initiatives gathered from all over Norway of outdoor spaces and meeting places that are inclusive, accessible and developed through co-production between different stakeholders and local inhabitants. 

In the booklet (pdf), the co-productions aspects from each project are highlighted.

National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities: a guide

The WHO guide to developing national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities is supported by a continuously updated toolkit to help you put the guide to action. Whether you are looking to sustain a national programme on age-friendly cities and communities or to advocate for such a programme, we are here to support you on your age-friendly journey.

More about the toolkit